Dr S N Henson wrote:
> On the subject of Windows builds I had this idea of generating VC++
> workspaces automagically by getting a perl script to get dev studio to
> create one of the beasts using OLE. This is left as an exercise to the
> reader :-)

Just out of curiosity. Would such an exercise really be "strictly necessary"? Is
there really more to a VC workspace than simply the "meta makefile" .dsw-file,
which should be easy enough to automatically generate from Configure?

And, em, dare one bring up the issue of having different names for the target
binaries depending on the type of build: libeay32d.lib for a debug build,
ssleay32s.lib for static crt linkage etc? I really do feel this is a bit of an
issue here, since debug/release static/dynamic single-/multithreaded (and
probably etc.) builds will directly affect which CRT is linked against. :-/

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