Hi there,

I have a small problem with designing services which use openssl libraries.
When I
design server and client programs  as exe files  and install them  on
Win2000 platform, the system  operates  as it is expected. Then I have put
programs to operate as Win2000 services. What has happened is that when I
put local host  in the client as "localhost" or "" the system will
not simply work at all. When I put its real IP address or DNS name such as
mytestingcomputer, the client is able to locate sever (operates as
Windows2000 service). Then  I have stripped the programs of ssl, and
redesign it with tcp, the system  operates OK. After that, I have debuged my
program and locate BIO_set_conn_hostname. The input value to this
instruction was ok. Then I have redesigned the program and used  different
openssl instructions based on socket implementation, where I have been able
to follow the local address of the  host implementation. The problem is that
inside openssl the localhost and are not simply recognised at all,
and they are interpreted as "unknown address".

I have experimented with Service and its property (logon) under setting, but
it still failed to resolve the local host address.
I believe that there is some interaction between Win2000 service and openssl
implementation, but I do not know where to look inside the code to find bug.

I am asking developers whether they could point me  to the places (either
web sites or books) or even piece of openssl code to investigate the problem
little bit further.

I appreciate any help or suggestion.
Thanks in advance.

Alex Cosic

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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