
I'm trying to build the engine version of openssl-engine 0.9.6c.
After solving the problem of unistd.h

I'm getting linking problems.

This the output I get :

Building OpenSSL

link /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /opt:ref /dll
/out:out32dll\libeay32.dll /def:ms/LIBEAY32.def
ms/LIBEAY32.def(7) : warning LNK4017: DESCRIPTION statement not
supported for the target platform; ignored
   Creating library out32dll\libeay32.lib and object
b_print.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __ftol2
referenced in function _roundv
b_print.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __aulldvrm
referenced in function _fmtint
out32dll\libeay32.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'link' : return code '0x460'

Can somebody please help me out.

Thank you,

Ulrichts Erik
Hypertrust NV

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of William James Hymas
Sent: donderdag 25 april 2002 16:31
Subject: Re: PKCS11 engine support

Hi Zoran,
      Is there a set of patches for 0.9.6c?


"Zoran Radenkovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@openssl.org on
30-07-2001 03:31:17 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:    PKCS11 engine support


As announced before few months Eracom decided to share pkcs11 engine
with Openssl community. Finally we got green light and here we are.

The code is eracom pkcs11 engine implementation.  We tried to do
via engine API, avoiding changing rest of openssl code base. In lack of
documentation and guide lines for future of engine API, some decision we
made maybe are not good but we gave the best. We hope that with OpenSSL
community we will get the best answer on those issues.

PKCS11 engine implementation is in ERACopenssl-engine-0.9.6a.patch.gz
(tested on 0.9.6b as well)

ModSSL patch for entering user PIN in Apache is in patch
ERACmod_ssl-2.8.2-1.3.19.patch and

Issues we are not 100% happy with:

****** Keys stored on adaptor (hwkeys as we call them) ***
Our goal was to support application like Apache/ModSSL, which use keys
stored disk, without need to make change in applications' code base.
is no separate PEM format for hwkeys, getting a key is done by
PEM_read_PrivateKey() which doesn't handle hwkeys. To avoid making our
PEM format and change code base around PEM_read_PrivateKey() function,
decided to use "dummy" PEM link-keys for hwkeys. We change genrsa and
gendsa on the way to put constant 1 in all "private" key fields except
where we embedded "info" about correspond hwkey.

Utilities genrsa and gendsa are changed to have one more parameter
<id>", eg. :

% openssl genrsa -engine ERACOM -hwkey <slot>/<keyname> -out rsa.pem 512

The command above produces rsa.pem file with real values of prime and
public key copied from hw key on adapter, and all other values will be 1
except iqmp which will be "ERACOM/<slot>/<keyname>" hex.
Default value for slot is 0, if is not specified.

When OpenSSL read key from disk and pass to engine, ERACOM engine check
values and find iqmp="ERACOM/<slot>/<keyname>". Keyname and slot get
extracted and used for cryptographic operation.
(PIN for login will be supplied as mention bellow ...)

On simmilar way it works for DSA and DH.

****** User PIN for h/w keys ******
Engine API is missing functionality to passing PIN for
login to the token. We implemented three ways how PIN can be passed to
engine for login for keys stored on adaptor.

a) engine prompt user to enter PIN if is not supplied by b) or c) way
b) via call ENGINE_load_privkey using passphrase as PIN
c) via enviroment variable PKCS_SLOT_<n>_PIN

Second option requires changing application source.

We implemented third option because applications like Apache in the time
OpenSSL initialisation already have detached from terminal, eg. it's to
late to enter PIN.

This is the reason we have a patch for mod_ssl which use b) way to get
in Apache (ERACmod_ssl-xxx-xxx.patch).

***** How to install it ******

Apply ERACopenssl-xxx.xxx.patch and build it.
Default name for PKCS#11 library is cryptoki. That could be change buy
environment variable PKCS11_LIB. The library path should be defined by

We tested it only on Linux and Solaris with csa8000 and csa7000

***** How to use it with Apache *****
If you are happy to supply PIN by environment variable then "install"
mod_ssl and build Apache. Alternatively applying ERACmod_ssl-xxx.patch
before you "install" it will make ModSSL to prompt you for the PIN.

ModSSL install call should be:
./configure \
   --with-apache=../$APACHE \
   --with-ssl=../$OPENSSL \
   --prefix=/opt/$APACHE \
   --enable-shared=ssl \

After that build Apache. On that Web server private keys will be stored
disk. If you want them secured on adaptor this is one of the ways you
do that (using Eracom ctcert tool):
Generating an Apache Cert

1. Create a self-signed CA certificate
% ctcert c -lMyCA -k -u0000
Cprov Certificate Management Tool $Revision: 1.7 $
Copyright (c) ERACOM Pty. Ltd. 2001

Please enter the Subject Distinguished Name for the key pair.
Common Name: CA
Organisation: Eracom-Techology
Organisal Unit: Test
State: BW
Country: DE

Generating new key pair, please wait...
Creating certificate for 'MyCA'
Issuer: 'CN=CA,OU=Eracom-Techology,O=Test,ST=BW,C=DE'
Subject: 'CN=CA,OU=Eracom-Techology,O=Test,ST=BW,C=DE'
Serial No: 0
ctcert: Certificate generated

2. Create a certification request
% ctcert r -lServerCert -k -u0000
Cprov Certificate Management Tool $Revision: 1.7 $
Copyright (c) ERACOM Pty. Ltd. 2001

Please enter the Subject Distinguished Name for the key pair.
Common Name: stern.concord-eracom.de
Organisation: Eracom-Technology
Organisal Unit: Test
State: BW
Country: DE

Generating new key pair, please wait...
Creating certificate request for 'ServerCert'
ctcert: Certificate request generated

3. Sign the certificatation request
% ctcert c -c'MyCA (Pri)' -lServerCert -u0000
Cprov Certificate Management Tool $Revision: 1.7 $
Copyright (c) ERACOM Pty. Ltd. 2001

Creating certificate for 'ServerCert'
Issuer: 'CN=CA,OU=Eracom-Techology,O=Test,ST=BW,C=DE'
Serial No: 1
ctcert: Certificate generated

4. Export the certificate into the apache configuration
% ctcert x -lServerCert > conf/ssl.crt/ServerCert.crt -u0000

5. Create a dummy keyfile for the apache configuration
% openssl genrsa -engine ERACOM -hwkey 'ServerCert (Pri)' >

6. Modify the apache configuration to use new certificate and key
% vi conf/http.conf and change:
SSLCryptoDevice ERACOM
SSLCertificateFile /opt/apache/conf/ssl.crt/ServerCert.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /opt/apache/conf/ssl.key/ServerCert.key

7. start apache
% /opt/apache/bin/apachectl startssl

***** Known Problems *****

a) When an application forks the C_Initialize call is no longer
  valid (all key/session handles become invalid).  Currently if
  an open session fails we just re-init
b) limited testing: not DH cross test, ...
c) ephemeral DH key negotiation is not supported (WebBench/Apache tests
d) Linux SMP not supported by e8k driver (Eracom driver for CSA8000)

***** Wish List ******
a)   having separate PEM for hwkeys
b)   Hwkey generation on adaptor via genrsa/gendsa
c)   Better user PIN handling

Best regards and enjoy!


(See attached file: ERACopenssl-engine-0.9.6b.patch.gz)(See attached
ERACmod_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20.patch.gz)(See attached file:
ERACopenssl-engine-0.9.6a.patch.gz)(See attached file:

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