Yes, I looked at rewriting bss_file.c and came to the same conclusion 
that you did -- a good last-chance sort of solution (though bss_socket.c 
seems to have done much of this work???).  In the end, I went ahead and 
preloaded the certificate and key.  This key/cert combo may be used by 
thousands of connections.  Whenever a new socket connection needs the 
key or cert, I bump the refcount and hand it back.  Can you tell me if 
I'm using any internal calls that I ought to be leaving alone?

_cert is an X509*, _key is an EVP_PKEY*, and fp is a FILE*

To load the key:

PEM_read_PrivateKey(fp, NULL, NULL, NULL);

To load the cert:

PEM_read_X509(fp, NULL, NULL, NULL);

To bump the key refcount:


To bump the cert refcount:


I've tested this solution and it works for multiple SSL connections, but 
I'd hate to have to redo this stuff w/ each passing version.


Lutz Jaenicke wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 12:41:18PM -0600, Craig Kaes wrote:
>>I appreciate that I am now on my own.  FWIW, though, your statement 
>>below is untrue, at least on Solaris 8.  Open is not limited in the same 
>>way that fopen is w/ regard to # of fds.  Also, fwiw, nether is socket(2).
> To be fair, I have never seen this before. I just had a look into the
> stdio.h of my HP-UX boxes (HP-UX 10.20, released around 1996):
>    typedef struct {
>         int              __cnt;
>         unsigned char   *__ptr;
>         unsigned char   *__base;
>         unsigned short   __flag;
>         unsigned char    __fileL;               /* low byte of file desc */
>         unsigned char    __fileH;               /* high byte of file desc */
>    } FILE;
> which give me the impression that there is no such limit on HP-UX.
> (I have "ulimit -n" being 120 anyway, so I could test without rebuilding
> the kernel and rebooting.)
> So what are the options:
> * You are the first person to report this problem. It seems to be platform
>   specific. So we could simply leave it as is and leave you to your problem.
>   Most if not all functions of OpenSSL also work fine without fopen().
>   File operations are typically used to handle keys and certificates but
>   the file operations are just for your convenience. You can always load
>   the data to memory yourself, convert via d2i/i2d_* and use it.
> * You may consider looking around in Solaris specific newsgroups and
>   mailing lists. Maybe you find a solution (maybe not).
> * Finally it might be possible to rewrite bss_file.c to perform the
>   buffering itself and use unbuffered io to circumvent this problem.
>   This however is not easily done when considering that it has to
>   handle things like "binary mode", "text mode", ... in a platform
>   independent manner (this especially including M$ platforms).
> Best regards,
>       Lutz

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