On Tue, 17 Sep 2002 18:26:05 +0800, 摹慉捎 wrote:

>I think CLOSE_WAIT state means it is still waitting for the other side's
>FD_CLOSE notification,  (perhaps shutdown function of ssl or socket will
>send this notification), but the other side had already exit and
>successfully closed the connection, (perhaps it exited with exceptions or it
>is killed by others). so the server stay in  CLOSE_WAIT state always. But
>the child process forked by the server has already exit.

        Nope. This is the TIME_WAIT state, which is another animal entirely. See 
http://tit.irk.ru/tcp_stevens/tcp_conn.htm and RFC1793. The problem is that 
you did not close the file descriptor after it was cloned by fork.


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