On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Martin MOKREJŠ wrote:

> Yes, those were my environment variables, but as I see some of the setting
> were overriden by configure.
> >
> > Do post output from 'apps/openssl version -a'.
> OpenSSL 0.9.6h-dev xx XXX xxxx
> built on: Wed Nov  6 16:09:53 CET 2002
> platform: irix-mips3-cc
> options:  bn(64,64) md2(int) rc4(ptr,char) des(ptr,risc2,16,long) idea(int) 
> compiler: cc -DDSO_DLFCN -DHAVE_DLFCN_H -n32 -O2 -use_readonly_const -DTERMIOS 

Ooops, I've pasted the output from my last working version
(openssl-0.9.6-stable-SNAP-20021102). I'm now compiling
openssl-0.9.7-beta4 from scratch and will post the proper 'apps/openssl
version -a' output. Sorry for confusion. :(

PGP5.0i key is at http://www.natur.cuni.cz/~mmokrejs
MIPS / Institute for Bioinformatics <http://mips.gsf.de>
GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health
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