In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mon, 16 Dec 2002 20:53:20 +0100, Andy 
Polyakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

appro> > Eh god...  So basically, we not only need to detect if GNU ld is used,
appro> > but that it's really GNU cc as well?
appro> Alternative could be to run /usr/ccs/bin/ld directly, but then we would
appro> have to cope with multiple ABI supported by kernel ourselves and we
appro> don't want that. I think...

Not a good idea, we'd also miss the links back to libc and so on...

appro> > What happens if the compiler
appro> > isn't GNU but ld is?
appro> Can't happen. Vendor compiler driver does not take any chances but
appro> invokes linker by explicit path, /usr/ccs/bin/ld to specific. Well, the
appro> only exclusion from this rule is when it wants/is instructed to perform
appro> incremental linking in which case it calls /opt/SUNWspro/*/bin/ild,
appro> where * stands for a version abbreviation, e.g. WS6 stands for WorkShop
appro> 6. A.


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