> 1)I just got aix64-cc shared build succeed with -bautoexp. It was possible to
> modify Makefile pretty similar to aix43-cc.
  ^^^^^^ But the challenge is to construct the rule which can be
parametrized through configure line. But as already mentioned, I'd
appreciate if you could verify if 'env OBJECT_MODE=64 make' works with
snapshot configured with './Configure aix64-cc shared'.

> 2)You are right, the version openssl-0.9.7 did not contain 0.9.7
> extention for aix but in my changes (which appear to be in snapshot
> version) I included these extentions to be consistent with other
> platforms where shared build contain these extention.

Right! Without access I'm bound to miss such things:-)

> I made experimental builds without extentions just for myself;
> I didn't send you such changes to Makefile. The reason I did that for
> myself is that if you link a module, say module.so with soname
                                                          ^^^^^^ Does
AIX support soname or similar option? There was nothing of that sort in
ld manual page I've found on the web...

> libcrypto.so.0.9.6, you can not then dynamically load it with
> libcrypto.so.0.9.7.

And that is *intentional*! We don't want users to load 0.9.7 library
into an application originally linked with 0.9.6.

> (we are not physically including libssl.so... & libcrypto.so... into
> our software and SSL connection will work if the user installs openssl
> himself).

You should *not* rely on this and should consider providing copy of
shared libs with your application. Yes, it might appear a bit
meaningless, you could as well link it statically, but that's the way
it. Binary compatibility is *not* provided across OpenSSL releases and
interchanging .so modules *might* result in unpredictable result and it
will be hell to troubleshoot. A.

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