Hello !

I'm trying to compile OpenSSL on a Windows 2000 server with Borland C++ 
Builder 5 using nasm.

With the OpenSSL 0.9.7 stable snapshot 20030216, compilation stopped with 
the following error code :
bcc32 -otmp32\md2test.obj -Iinc32 -Itmp32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -q -w-au s 
-w-par -w-inl -c -tWC -tWM -DOPENSSL_SYSNAME_WIN32 -DL_ENDIAN -DDSO_WIN32 
-D_s tricmp=stricmp -O2 -ff -fp -DBN_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM -DRMD160_ASM 
-DOPENSSL_NO_KRB5 -c .\crypto\md2\md2test.c

Warning W8066 .\crypto\md2\md2test.c 128: Unreachable code in function main

ilink32 -ap -Tpe -x -Gn tmp32\md2test.obj c0x32.obj, out32\md2test.exe,,
out32\ssleay32.lib out32\libeay32.lib cw32mt.lib import32.lib

Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Fatal: Unable to open file 'C0X32.OBJ'

** error 2 ** deleting out32\md2test.exe

How can I fix it ?


Olivier Marché
Observatoire de la Vie Etudiante - Infocentre
Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille 1
tél : 04 91 10 62 37 -  fax : 04 91 10 61 20

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