On Fri, Mar 07, 2003, Frédéric Giudicelli wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm planning on developing a fully CMP-support code, should I go ahead or is
> there somone already working on it ?

I can't recall anyone mentioning this.

> In the case where I should go ahead, shall I use all the available openssl
> structures, X509_PUBKEY for exemple, although CMP is not linked to X509 ?

You should keep to the OpenSSL structure where appropriate. The trick is to
work out what "appropriate" means. For example X509_PUBKEY
(SubjectPublicKeyInfo equiv IIRC) has a whole load of support code which
encodes and decodes public keys in standard ways.

You could use your own but it would need to reimplement the public key logic
and be updated for new algorithms.

There are also quite a few equivalents to standard structures which at first
sight appear to be missing. X509_ALGOR is AlgorithmIdentifier and X509_SIG
is DigestInfo for example...

> By the way, I'ld like to "honour" the person that fully re-developed the
> ASN1 layer, I must say that compared to the old code, it's just amazing :).

That'll be me then, thank you. All donations gratefully received :-)

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
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