
64-bit vs 32-bit systems

It looks to me like a 64-bit client cant connect to a 32-bit server.

The ASN1 structures/headers have int's and longs scattered throughout them (and probably in other parts of the openssl libraries). In fact, the 32-bit server fails to recieve a connection with the error "bad asn1 object header".

That are 2 different kind of shoes.

Structures and headers are not direct related to the data
on the wire..

I think you have configured on a 32 bit system
and build on a 64 bit system,
or build the library on a 32 bit system and your program
on a 64 bit system...

My question is, how self contained is this software. Could the longs be replace by ints to keep the structures the same size on both systems?

Why ?

You need the headers only if you build a program.
And you shouldn't link a openssl build on a 32 bit system
with a program build on a 64 bit system...

Has this issue been discusses before?

AFAIK not.

perhaps openssl should migrate to the types defined in stding.h ?
But that comes with ISO C99, so an fallback should be supported...



Goetz Babin-Ebell, TC TrustCenter AG, http://www.trustcenter.de
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