On Wed, Dec 03, 2003, Matt Pauker wrote:

> Hi,
> I just recently moved from 0.9.7 to 0.9.7c and discovered what I think
> is a bug in the base64 BIO decoding code.
> When the source bio is a read-write memory bio, and has more than 1024
> bytes of data to decode (in my test case it was less than 2048, but I
> suspect more would fail as well), the BIO only writes out 720 bytes of
> decoded data and then fails.  The cause seems to be in these new lines
> (290-294) of bio_b64.c:
>                 /* If buffer isn't full and we can retry then
>                  * restart to read in more data.
>                  */
>                 else if ((i < B64_BLOCK_SIZE) && (ctx->cont > 0))
>                         continue;
> What's happening is that on the second pass through the while loop (the
> first pass reads 1024 (B64_BLOCK_SIZE) bytes and writes out 720),
> BIO_read is reading < 1024 bytes (as that's all that's left in the
> memory BIO).  Then, when it hits this else, it goes back to the
> beginning and calls BIO_read again.  But BIO_read returns -1 (no more
> data), and the function returns failure, with only the 720 bytes written
> out.

Actually this isn't a bug. A memory BIO can behave a bit like a pipe in that
after all data has been read it can signal that more data is available: in
this case when more data is written to it.

Sometimes however when all data has been read from a BIO no more data is
available and it really is EOF. 

With a memory BIO there's no way to automatically decide this and the
application has to decide whether end of data should signal a retry or EOF.

The function BIO_set_mem_eof_return() is used to signal this: so try setting
BIO_set_mem_eof_return(bio, 0) and all should be as expected. See the
BIO_s_mem() manual page for more details.

The reason this worked in previous versions of OpenSSL is that the base64 BIO
had a bug which didn't work properly with non blocking I/O. The side effect is
that it now has to have a correct EOF indication from the relevant BIO.

Oh and a -1 from BIO_read() isn't necessarily an error either: see the
BIO_read() manual page.

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