In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri, 6 Feb 2004 10:32:45 +0000 (GMT), Dave Roberts 

dave.roberts> I've come across an issue with extensions.  I have a
dave.roberts> S/MIME signed message, where the signing cert has
dave.roberts> signing + encrypting Key Usage flags, and SSL server
dave.roberts> Extended Key Usage flags.
dave.roberts> Because there is a Ext. Key Usage flags set, but not the
dave.roberts> S/MIME one then the cert validation procedure fails,
dave.roberts> hence the signature verification fails.
dave.roberts> The Extended Key Usage flag is not marked as a critical
dave.roberts> extension, so in theory it should pass OK.

This is a fairly common misunderstanding.  IF an extension is
understood and supported by the application or library, it MUST be
processed regardless of the critical flag.  IF an extension is NOT
understood and supported by the application or library, it can be
ignored ONLY IF the critical flag is not set, otherwise the
verification path is invalidated.

dave.roberts> There are a number of reasons for this as far as I can
dave.roberts> tell.
dave.roberts> Firstly, within the function x509v3_cache_extensions()
dave.roberts> in x509v3/v3_purp.c, the last bit of code checks for all
dave.roberts> extensions, looking for any that are critical.
dave.roberts> Strangely it looks to me like only extensions that are
dave.roberts> "critical and not supported" triggers the setting of the
dave.roberts> flags to include EXFLAG_CRITICAL.  Should that 'not' be
dave.roberts> in there?

No.  EXFLAG_CRITICAL means it has found a critical extension that is
not supported by OpenSSL, and that the verification should therefore

dave.roberts> Secondly, assuming the reverse logic of the above, there
dave.roberts> is only one flag to indicate that extensions are
dave.roberts> critical, therefore if any are critical, then all would
dave.roberts> be treated as so.

You need only one flag to say that an unsupported critical extension
has been found :-).

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