Dr. Stephen Henson wrote:

Yout don't need to do anything special. You just have to get the relevant
EVP_PKEY from the ENGINE and pass it to the relevant APIs for OCSP. The rest
is automatic if the ENGINE has been written properly.

Good. Just one question, is there a method to get the EVP_PKEY using standard (ENGINE) functions or does it depend on the implemented engine ? At the moment I have a LunaSA but I want the server to be able to use different ENGINE sharing as much code as possible.

Thanks for the help.


Best Regards,

        Massimiliano Pala

Massimiliano Pala [OpenCA Project Manager]      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                Tel.:   +39 (0)11  564 7081
http://security.polito.it                       Fax:    +39   178  270 2077
                                                Mobile: +39 (0)347 7222 365

Politecnico di Torino (EuroPKI)
Certification Authority Informations:

Authority Access Point                                  http://ca.polito.it
Authority's Certificate:          http://ca.polito.it/ca_cert/en_index.html
Certificate Revocation List:              http://ca.polito.it/crl02/crl.crl

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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