Slight misunderstanding, I think Steven was commenting about the lack of reply to my 
first mail, which asked where to make the submission of the port.

I'd been a bit lazy and hadn't searched the web site fully, to find out that I just 
had to mail it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And if anybody has, please don't misinterpret my comment:

>> I'm not holding my breathe about integration soon ... :-)

... this was only added because I'm pretty sure that you have higher priority work to 
do than to integrate a port that is, for most people, pretty obscure.


George Shaw 
Senior Software Engineer 
a Sopra Group company 
Tel: +44 (0) 7802 452186 
Fax: +44 (0) 1454 299684 

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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Richard Levitte - VMS
Sent: 30 September 2004 10:43
Subject: Re: [ #951] FW: New port to the AS/400 (iSeries)

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 30 Sep 2004 10:15:04 +1000, "Steven Reddie" 

smr> I'm surprised that nobody has responded.

I feel I need to raise a little bit of awareness here.  The OpenSSL
Project is entirely volunteer driven, and as such, we (those having
write access to the repository) are working mostly on our free time.
This means that there are a ton of other facets of life playing in,
including looking for jobs (and jobs in this field are still a bit
scarse), *doing* your job (which may or may not be related to
OpenSSL), taking care of the family, taking care of your self.

Just to give you a picture of what life can be like, I've been silent
to the almost extreme for a while, because I'm dealing with very deep
family issues, and have to contemplate seeing my son move to the other
side of the Atlantic Ocean, which has had a huge impact on my
emotional self, and my capacity to focus.  I've used the little
external focus I had left to do my job properly, and to plan for my
future (next job, other projects that I'm barely keeping alive, ...).
I haven't even looked at the OpenSS bugs database for ages (= a few
months, which is a lot considering I used to look at the stuff there
about twice a day before that).

So, I'd like to ask for a little bit of patience with us, as we all
have some kind of life we need to take care of and make a priority as

Thanks for listening.


Please consider sponsoring my work on free software.
See for details.

Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
 the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
                                                -- C.S. Lewis
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