Hello all,

we are working to integrate a new cipher (aes-ccm) into the crypto lib.
We want to have the new algorithm available from every application linking
the library but we have not found where we have to add the cipher
definition to have it listed among the available ones.

Can you help us ???

Thank you in advance, have a nice day!


Best Regards,

        Massimiliano Pala

Massimiliano Pala [OpenCA Project Manager]      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                Tel.:   +39 (0)11  564 7081
http://security.polito.it                       Fax:    +39   178  270 2077
                                                Mobile: +39 (0)347 7222 365

Politecnico di Torino (EuroPKI)
Certification Authority Informations:

Authority Access Point                                  http://ca.polito.it
Authority's Certificate:          http://ca.polito.it/ca_cert/en_index.html
Certificate Revocation List:              http://ca.polito.it/crl02/crl.crl

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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