On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 04:06:07PM +0000, Paolo Serra wrote:
> but I think it is not functioning correctly because I've never wrote that 
> my ciphers needs the program that I've added, CCM_AES_encrypt(..), and I 
> fear it calls some other program like aes_cbc_encrypt, as I can see reading 
> the file object /evp/c_allc.o

The macros you added, BLOCK_CIPHER_func_ccm and BLOCK_CIPHER_def_ccm in
your case, are supposed to expand into things like aes_ccm128_encrypt,
aes_ccm192_encrypt, etc., which are wrappers for your CCM_AES_encrypt. 

BTW, going by the naming convention in the AES source code, your
CCM_AES_encrypt should probably be called AES_ccm128_encrypt. (If you cut
and pasted the macros, just replacing cbc with ccm, say, they will expand
into calls to that name, I believe.)

As suggested previously by Richard, post your macros.

Ng Pheng Siong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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