I don't think setting a lower bound on x is worth the effort based on this explanation. Any attacker can make a table of millions of x / lg x pairs --- far more than you are concerned about protecting --- using only public information. If I wanted to attack your scheme in the way you are trying to protect against, I would just make the table of interesting values outside of your mandatory lower bounds for x and y. The real protection here is that the probability that an earnest DH participant chooses values in an attacker's table is negligible, not that some x / lg x pairs are intrinsically easier than others.

To guard against implementation errors I can see why you might look at the sequence of exponents chosen over time and make sure that there's high entropy there or something. But that's a different type of protection.


Jim Schneider wrote:
Ben Laurie wrote:

Jim Schneider wrote:

Sorry, I goofed - I thought we were talking
about generating the prime for DH, not the
subsequent operations.  In the case of the
secret exponents, there's no real justification
for it (x just needs to be larger than
C*ln(p)/ln(g), where g is the DH generator, p is
the DH prime, and C is a "big enough" constant
to prevent brute force attacks).

No, it doesn't. Why single out that part of the search space for protection?



x and y both need to be larger than ln(p)/ln(g) to
avoid a simple table lookup attack - if either one
is less than ln(p)/ln(g), the resulting g ** x or g
** y will be less than p.  If g is equal to two
(which I gather is a pretty common occurance, since
it makes the arithmetic a lot easier), the resulting
X or Y value has a single set bit.  Since g
generates a group of order p, there's a one to one
correspondence between X and Y (there has to be, or
DH doesn't work at all), so an X or Y with a single
set bit is trivial to break.

When g is greater than two, there are still
detectable patterns.  I added the factor of C
because I don't know how far the patterns extend
before they're swamped in the noise (and it makes a
sequential-from-zero brute force search pointless).

If you want a numerical value to put on
C*ln(p)/ln(g), let g equal two. This reduces the
expression to C*lg(p), or C times the number of bits
in p. Increasing g reduces the value of the
expression, so assuming that g is two is
conservative. With a C of 128, and a 4096 bit p, we
limit ourselves to x and y values greater than
524288, a miniscule piece of the entire 4096 bit
range for x and y.
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