Hi! I wanted to crete a self signed certificate with a long lifetime. Problem: the "-days" parameter does not accept appropriate values. There is an overflow at 11913 days, 11912 days are ok.
example: openssl req -new -x509 -key mykey.pem -out mycert.cer -sha1 -days 11913 Version: 0.9.7g 11.4.2005 OS: WinXP SP2 regards M. Stier ____________________________________________ Stegmann Systemberatung Markus Stier Raiffeisenstr. 2 63110 Rodgau Germany Phone: ++49 (6106) 77010-0 Fax: ++49 (6106) 77010-29 eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet: http://www.rs-system.de ______________________________________________________________________ OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org Development Mailing List openssl-dev@openssl.org Automated List Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]