Apologies for the delayed joining of the discussion.

I chose to use BN to implement 64-bit numbers because (1) it was 
little code, (2) the abstraction was clean, (3) BN works on all 
supported platforms, (4) the places where emulated 64-bit numbers are 
used are not performance critical, and (5) no changes were required
outside of pqueue and DTLS code.

> appro> 1. I'm reluctant to include bn.h to non-bn code, because it's
> appro>    nothing but counterintuitive [and is not good in long run].
> appro> 2. My standpoint is [still] that pqueue/dtls1 should not have
> appro>    dependancy on bh.h either.

I don't quite follow this point.  Is it that pqueue is not
self-contained?  (There are already a number of cross-dependancies 
in libcrypto, including on bn.h)

> appro> 3. Using BIGNUM for DTLS purposes is *total* overkill. To back
> appro>    this up I'm going to suggest alternative, 64-bit neutral pq
> appro>    code shortly:-)

That works for me.  Though, I'll add that neither pqueue nor DTLS do
anything heavy with PQ_64BIT--the performance gain for the few
platforms that do need the specialized code will be minimal.


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