Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 29 Jun 2005 06:42:59 +0200, Karsten Ohme 

widerstand> will there be some day, when the the OpenSSL source code
widerstand> is documented in a some way? In all source files,
widerstand> explanations to the functions, the parameters and comments
widerstand> in the code what is done are missing.

We're well aware the documentation is lacking.  We are adding some all
the time.  I wish we had the possibility to do *only* that for a
while, but that's not what reality looks like.

In the Open Source spirit, there's nothing stopping you from helping

I think before the call for source code documentation is done,
the team should decide which format to use.

I would suggest doxygen...



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