We recently started looking at some of Desktop specific libraries for
including them as part of next LSB (Linux Standard Base
www.linuxbase.org) release. This is part of the effort in the newly
formed Desktop working group in LSB to focus on the Desktop Linux
As a part of this effort we have started looking at the OpenSSL
libraries and found the thread
discussing ABI compatibility across different releases.  I am
specifically referring to comments from Richard below.
I will like to find out what the Openssl community think about making
the libraries part of next LSB release. Of course, the ABIs will need to
become stable before that. What are the plans to achieve this ABI
stability (including releasing 1.0 version of the package)?
The biggest change that's needed in OpenSSL is to hide all the
structures and all constants and have them available through functions
(creator, destructors and information functions).  So speaking of
incompatibilites, we've really kept it low compared to what needs to
be done and what could be done.

Our version numbering is admitedly weird.  Basically, we've treated
'0.9.' as a prefix to signal that "this isn't a 1.0 yet, and drastic
changes can be expected", and effectively trated the next digit as a
classic major version.  This is reflected in the soname we give the
shared libraries.  We probably should do some drastic changes in our
version numbering (which is quite a lesson to me personally.  I've
been reluctant to make a move to 1.0 because OpenSSL hasn't felt ready
for that).
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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