** Reply to note from "Konstantin Sharenkov via RT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wed, 26 
Oct 2005 11:36:41 +0200 (METDST)

> but nt.mak  contins line
> CFLAG= /MD /Ox /O2 /Ob2 /W3 /WX /Gs0 /GF /Gy /nologo
> The first option is /MD  - Multithreaded DLL code generation
> But for static library option should be  /MT Multithreaded code
> generation

Not really, IMHO. Note that /MD or /MT is just about whether you
want your (static) library to be used with the static C library
or with the DLL.

There are a number of reasons why using the DLL version of the C library
is preferable, most significantly it's more widely usable (using the
static C library typically implies that you cannot load DLLs without a
high probability of erratic runtime behaviour and crashes), so if you
are statically linking openssl lib against _several_ applications and
can't be sure that none of them will _ever_ use _any_ DLL in advance,
compiling with /MD is the better way to go. If you do network installations
that are going to be used by several people, that's even more true.

In short /MD is slightly more flexible and the risk that MS is actually
breaking msvcrt.dll in an update has come quite close to 0 in the past
7 or so years.

> With /MD I have a typical problem (for mixed code generation) during
> linking my application.
> With /MT everything is ok.

Over here, for _my_ application, everything is ok with /MD and /MT would
be causing problems, so it's obviously impossible to do it in a way that
makes everyone happy - unless, of course, you add even more variants to
the makefile, which OTOH would cause additional confusion...


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