Hi, I asked this question yesterday on the openssl-users list, but I haven't got any reply yet... Is this openssl-dev list a proper place for my question? Hope I can get a hint from here, thanks.

Hi folks,

When a client receives a server hello, how can I find out the ciphersuite name according to the ciphersuite number?

From server hello's header (SSL version 3.0), I can read out the cipher
suite number, which is, for example 0x0004, and my Ethereal (Version 0.10.13) shows it is TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 (0x0004). In ..../openssl/ssl/s3_lib.c, I found out that /* Cipher 04 */ is SSL3_TXT_RSA_RC4_128_MD5. Is this a correct map? If it is, which API I can use to get this name?

I tried ssl3_get_cipher(unsigned int u), it returns a different name. For 0x0004, it returns /* Cipher 36 */ TLS1_TXT_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_SHA ( "DH-DSS-AES256-SHA"). The function is like this:

SSL_CIPHER *ssl3_get_cipher(unsigned int u)
        if (u < SSL3_NUM_CIPHERS)

Which is a correct map? Ethereal's Cipher 04 or ssl3_get_cipher()'s Cipher 36?



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