In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:40:01 -0400, Richard Salz 

rsalz> I propose that OpenSSL move to DocBook, an XML format, for its
rsalz> documentation.

I agree completely.  This was actually brought up a while ago by
someone else (was that Dave Pawson, the one you're mentioning below?),
and should probably have been discussed already then.

rsalz> DocBook ( is an XML language for structured/-
rsalz> technical documentation.  It includes XSLT stylesheets to
rsalz> convert docbook into many formats, including: roff manpages,
rsalz> HTML pages, a single HTML document, PDF (via an XSL format
rsalz> known as XSL-FO), etc. Moving forward, it provides true
rsalz> semantic markup, so that richer documentation
rsalz> (cross-references, various tables and summaries) are possible.

It's actually pretty great, I've dabbed with it before, for a
different project.  I think the only thing that's an obstacle
for me is that the synopsis for C function declarations get quite
complicated at times, and I've found no way to properly markup a
function pointer parameter declaration in such way that it looks
acceptable in the nroff output.  If you have an example or two, I'd
love to see them.

rsalz> There are tools to convert from POD to DocBook; Dave Pawson has
rsalz> run them, and done a bit of cleanup, including making an
rsalz> overall "book" document so that a single document can be
rsalz> generated.

And this is where I'd simply like to say "patches welcome!", but let's
hear a little from the rest of the team first.


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Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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