Hello Group,
I am using Broadcom (ubsec) based hardware accelerator on a Vxworks 5.x platform. I see that my CPU usage is just 40 % when I hit the max number of TLS connection. I have a queue between the TCP stack and the application where I am running the TLS. I am running TLS using the memory bios. What I see is that the queue between the TCP stack and my TLS application is getting full because the TLS application is not picking the packets from the queue fast enough eventhough it is running at a higher priority. My preliminary thinking was that because I am using a blocking call to the Hardware accelerator, my TLS application is wasting a lot of time waiting for the operation to complete and not keeping up with the TCP since my TLS application is just using 40% of the CPU.
My question is even if I get my Broadcom to run asynchronously, how can i make openssl engine to behave asynchronous as I understand from the code that the operation is very synchronous.
Thank you again for all the help.

Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- Prashant Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hello Group,
> Is there anyway I could use the crypto hardware
> engine asynchronously with OpenSsl. Looking at the
> code it doesn't look like.
> The reason I am asking this is, in our deployment,
> I see that the CPU on which I am running OpenSsl is
> loaded just 40% and I still hit the maximum number
> of TLS sessions i could process. My assumption is
> that it could be because we are using synchronous
> call with the hardware accelerator and are blocked
> waiting for the hardware engine to do its works
> (that is decryption/encryption of each packet).
Did you try "opessl speed -engine rsa ...."?

Do your results correspond to the documentation given
with your hardware device?

Try to isolate the problem first. How do you say you
are hitting the maximum number of TLS sessions? It
could mean various things like network, your card, CPU

More details on what crypto you are accelerating could

> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Prashant.
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