
testlog attached


Götz Fischer
Senior Consultant
Phone: +49(0)7225/98 98 79
Fax:   +49(0)7225/28 64 

OpenSSL self-test report:

OpenSSL version:  0.9.8e
Last change:      Include "!eNULL" in SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHER_LIST to make sur...
Options:          enable-shared enable-threads --prefix=/usr/local no-camellia 
no-gmp no-krb5 no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-rfc3779 no-zlib no-zlib-dynamic
OS (uname):       IRIX64 IRIS3 6.5 07202013 IP27
OS (config):      mips4-sgi-irix64
Target (default): irix-mips3-cc
Target:           irix-mips3-cc
Compiler:         MIPSpro Compilers: Version 7.4.4m

making all in crypto...
making all in crypto/objects...
making all in crypto/md2...
making all in crypto/md4...
making all in crypto/md5...
making all in crypto/sha...
making all in crypto/hmac...
making all in crypto/ripemd...
making all in crypto/des...
making all in crypto/aes...
making all in crypto/rc2...
making all in crypto/rc4...
making all in crypto/idea...
making all in crypto/bf...
making all in crypto/cast...
making all in crypto/bn...
making all in crypto/ec...
making all in crypto/rsa...
making all in crypto/dsa...
making all in crypto/ecdsa...
making all in crypto/dh...
making all in crypto/ecdh...
making all in crypto/dso...
making all in crypto/engine...
making all in crypto/buffer...
making all in crypto/bio...
making all in crypto/stack...
making all in crypto/lhash...
making all in crypto/rand...
making all in crypto/err...
making all in crypto/evp...
making all in crypto/asn1...
making all in crypto/pem...
making all in crypto/x509...
making all in crypto/x509v3...
making all in crypto/conf...
making all in crypto/txt_db...
making all in crypto/pkcs7...
making all in crypto/pkcs12...
making all in crypto/comp...
making all in crypto/ocsp...
making all in crypto/ui...
making all in crypto/krb5...
making all in crypto/store...
making all in crypto/pqueue...
        if [ -n "libcrypto.so.0.9.8 libssl.so.0.9.8" ]; then \
                (cd ..; make libcrypto.so.0.9.8); \
UX:make: INFO: `libcrypto.so.0.9.8' is up to date.
making all in ssl...
        if [ -n "libcrypto.so.0.9.8 libssl.so.0.9.8" ]; then \
                (cd ..; make libssl.so.0.9.8); \
UX:make: INFO: `libssl.so.0.9.8' is up to date.
making all in engines...
making all in apps...
        rm -f openssl
        shlib_target=; if [ -n "libcrypto.so.0.9.8 libssl.so.0.9.8" ]; then \
                shlib_target="irix-shared"; \
        fi; \
        if [ "${shlib_target}" = "darwin-shared" ] ; then \
          LIBRARIES="../libssl.a  ../libcrypto.a" ; \
        else \
          LIBRARIES="-L.. -lssl  -L.. -lcrypto" ; \
        fi; \
        make -f ../Makefile.shared -e \
                APPNAME=openssl OBJECTS="openssl.o verify.o asn1pars.o req.o 
dgst.o dh.o dhparam.o enc.o passwd.o gendh.o errstr.o  ca.o pkcs7.o crl2p7.o 
crl.o  rsa.o rsautl.o dsa.o dsaparam.o ec.o ecparam.o  x509.o genrsa.o gendsa.o 
s_server.o s_client.o speed.o  s_time.o apps.o s_cb.o s_socket.o app_rand.o 
version.o sess_id.o  ciphers.o nseq.o pkcs12.o pkcs8.o spkac.o smime.o rand.o 
engine.o  ocsp.o prime.o" \
                LIBDEPS=" $LIBRARIES " \
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_create_objects" -- 1st 
referenced by asn1pars.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_cleanup" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_txt2nid" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_nid2sn" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "HMAC_CTX_init" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "HMAC_Init_ex" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "HMAC_Final" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "HMAC_CTX_cleanup" -- 1st referenced 
by dgst.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted" -- 1st 
referenced by enc.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_nid2ln" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "DES_crypt" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_obj2nid" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_nid2obj" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_txt2obj" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_sn2nid" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_create" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "SHA1" -- 1st referenced by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "DES_set_key_unchecked" -- 1st 
referenced by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "AES_set_encrypt_key" -- 1st 
referenced by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "idea_set_encrypt_key" -- 1st 
referenced by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "RC4_set_key" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "RC2_set_key" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "BF_set_key" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "CAST_set_key" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "HMAC_Update" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "SHA256" -- 1st referenced by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "SHA512" -- 1st referenced by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "RC4" -- 1st referenced by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "DES_ncbc_encrypt" -- 1st referenced 
by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt" -- 1st 
referenced by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "AES_cbc_encrypt" -- 1st referenced 
by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "idea_cbc_encrypt" -- 1st referenced 
by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "RC2_cbc_encrypt" -- 1st referenced 
by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "BF_cbc_encrypt" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "CAST_cbc_encrypt" -- 1st referenced 
by speed.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "MD2_options" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "RC4_options" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "DES_options" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "AES_options" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "idea_options" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "BF_options" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: INFO    152: Output file removed because of error.
*** Error code 2 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
Doing certs
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
aol1.pem => .0
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate aol2.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate aoltw1.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate aoltw2.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate argena.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate argeng.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate eng1.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate eng2.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate eng3.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate eng4.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate eng5.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate RegTP-5R.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate RegTP-6R.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate thawteCb.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate thawteCp.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate vsign1.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate vsign3.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate vsignss.pem
/temp/openssl-0.9.8e/util/../apps/openssl:  not found
WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate wellsfgo.pem
        touch rehash.time
ld32: WARNING 84 : ../libssl.so is not used for resolving any symbol.
        cc -I.. -I../include  -DOPENSSL_THREADS -D_SGI_MP_SOURCE -DDSO_DLFCN 
-DHAVE_DLFCN_H -n32 -mips3 -O2 -use_readonly_const -DTERMIOS -DB_ENDIAN 
-DBN_DIV3W -c ectest.c
"ectest.c": Warning: Olimit was exceeded on function char2_field_tests; will 
not optimize.
        To optimize use -OPT:Olimit=0 (off) or -OPT:Olimit=3453
"ectest.c": Warning: To override Olimit for all functions in file, use 
        (Compiler may run out of memory or run very slowly for large Olimit 
ld32: WARNING 84 : ../libssl.so is not used for resolving any symbol.
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "OBJ_nid2sn" -- 1st referenced by 
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos 
are loaded.  
ld32: INFO    152: Output file removed because of error.
*** Error code 2 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)

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