On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 17:00:37 -0700, David Schwartz wrote:
> > Using the Intel 9.1 compiler on an IA64 system the performance of
> > AES and (to a lesser extent) other algorithms implemented in
> > assembly language is less than that using gcc. I've included the
> > speed output for several of the algorithms below.
> >
> > Is this a know issue and is there a workaround other than switching
> > to gcc?
> You should compare with the best optimization flags for each compiler. I
> don't see any of the typical icc optimization flags used,
> like -ip, -march=pentium4, -msse3, -xP, or whatever is appropriate for your
> CPU.
> DS

The options used in the icc case were simply those set by
./Configure linux-ia64-icc. The one option that I added
was -i-static to force static linking to libimf.

Iain Morgan
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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