> Brad, sorry, I didn't mean to come across as negative.  The point I was
> trying to make is that once a validation starts I can't afford to delay
> it to deal with problems that are discovered in the already frozen
> baseline, unless those problems are critical to the requirements of the
> paying sponsors.  Hence we don't solicit general public input for
> in-process validations.  Reports of problems with already validated
> versions are welcome and I think Dr. Henson in particular has been very
> proactive in addressing those issues in the trunk for future
> validations.  Reports of problems with the submitted code for pending
> validations are also welcome with the understanding that we almost
> certainly won't be able to effect any change for that validation.

Yes, that is understandable.  Any code going through validation at that
time cannot be touched.  I think what Kyle asked for was prior to the
next validation starting, a 2-week window where people could provide
patches.  Basically a 'last-call', or at least some projected timelines
for when it would be submitted so we know if the code is 'close-to-final'
before we try to provide patches (at least portability patches as is
my selfish concern).

> I'll plead guilty to the charge of inadequate communication.  For most
> of the duration of the first ground-breaking validation, a five year
> ordeal, I was urged to minimize unnecessary public commentary while the
> CMVP community sorted out some difficult policy and process issues with
> this strange new open source thing.  That sorting out has largely taken
> place and I now have no excuse for not being more forthcoming.  I'll try
> to do better.
> The best way to provide feedback on the code for future validations is
> to pull and test the head of OpenSSL-fips-0_9_8-stable.  Problems found
> and fixed there will be included in future validations, as well as
> eventually merged into the main development trunk.

I didn't actually know a public CVS branch existed for 0.9.8 fips until
an e-mail last night.  Is the only way to grab the current branch to
rsync the _entire_ openssl cvs repository then do a local checkout?
Are there any shapshots of that branch being made? (Since the CVS
repository isn't publically accessible for checkout).

> As an OSSI member you're also welcome to contract OSSI directly with any
> questions, I think we're pretty good at being responsive to those
> contributors.  And Steve Henson is responsive to everyone.

Ok, thanks, may give that a shot in the future...


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