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Erik de Castro Lopo schrieb:
| Theodore Tso wrote:
|> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 11:09:46AM -0500, John Parker wrote:
|>> What I was hoping for was a -DNO_UNINIT_DATA that wouldn't be the
|>> default, but wouldn't reduce the keyspace either.
|> -DPURIFY *does* do what you want.
| But thats a compile time option. I would prefer not to have to compile
| my own version of OpenSSL just to be able to valgrind my program which
| links against openssl.

Then configure your valgrind to ignore this uninitialized use of data.

Normally usage of uninitialized data is an oversight done by
the programmer that may cause unintended consequences.
Because of that valgrind complains about them.

But here the use of this uninitialized data is intentional
and the programmer are very well aware of what they did.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to add a README.valgrind containing
a description of what happens and how to configure valgrind to ignore
the uninitialized reads ?
(Perhaps people that won't read the FAQ will read that)


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