
The following problems were found in OpenSSL source code. Pasting from 
internal CR (6764688) description:


0551:           /* else use the pre-loaded session */
0553:           p=s->s3->client_random;
0554:           /* if client_random is initialized, reuse it, we are
0555:            * required to use same upon reply to HelloVerify */
0556:           for (i=0;p[i]=='\0' && i<sizeof(s->s3->client_random);i++) ;
0557:           if (i==sizeof(s->s3->client_random))
0558:                   {
0559:                   Time=(unsigned long)time(NULL); /* Time */
0560:                   l2n(Time,p);
0561:                   RAND_pseudo_bytes(p,SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE-4);

The loop test condition reads from s->s3->client_random before the 
bounds check
- these should be swapped around the other way.


0093:   for (i=0; i<8; i++)
0094:           {
0095:           out[i]=key[i]^desx_white_in2out[out0^out1];
0096:           out0=out1;
0097:           out1=(int)out[i&0x07];
0098:           }
0100:   out0=out[0];
0101:   out1=out[i];

At line 101, i will always be 8 following the loop above, and out is a 
pointer to char[8].


0183:   num = nbits/8;
0184:   if(rem==0)
0185:       memcpy(ivec,ovec+num,AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
0186:   else
0187:       for(n=0 ; n < AES_BLOCK_SIZE ; ++n)
0188:           ivec[n] = ovec[n+num]<<rem | ovec[n+num+1]>>(8-rem);
0190:     /* it is not necessary to cleanse ovec, since the IV is not 
secret */
0191:     }
0193: /* N.B. This expects the input to be packed, MS bit first */

Harmless, but strictly speaking if nbits is 128 (permitted), the last 
of the loop reads past the end of the ovec array ([32]) with 
ovec[15+16+1], even
if it then throws the value away with the shift-right.

This bug was found using the Parfait source code analysis tool.
See http://research.sun.com/projects/parfait

Best regards,

V. Kotal

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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