On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 5:46 AM, Phil Pennock<openssl-...@spodhuis.org> wrote:

> When RFC 5246 came out, specifying TLS 1.2 and having all mandated
> cipher suites use SHA-256, we assumed that to aid the transition OpenSSL
> would add EVL_sha256() to the list of digests initialised in
> SSL_library_init(), even before support of TLS 1.2 itself.  I've checked
> OpenSSL 1.0.0 beta 2 and see that this is still not the case.
> I'm seeing usage of SHA-256 become more widespread by CAs today.
> Are there plans to add this digest to the list initialised by
> SSL_library_init() ?

I think SSL_library_init() is meant to provide just the subset of
algorithms needed by the SSL/TLS protocol implementation itself, which
currently doesn't include SHA-256.

Most applications, however, just call OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() to
get more than that subset.  If you'd rather not define more encryption
algorithms than needed to cut down some overhead, you should be able
to make do with calling SSL_library_init() and
OpenSSL_add_all_digests().  Then the hash algorithms available for
certificate verification will include SHA-256.

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