
In message <09081709341183_20200...@antinode.info> on Mon, 17 Aug 2009 09:34:11 
-0500 (CDT), s...@antinode.info (Steven M. Schweda) said:

sms> From: "Arpadffy Zoltan" <zoltan.arpad...@scientificgames.se>
sms> > As VMS does not have a make clean function yet, [...]
sms>    When _all_ the product files get put into architecture-specific
sms> directories, then cleaning gets easy.

Agreed, but except for cleaning purposes, is there a reason to put
architecture-independent files in architecture-specific directories?

sms>    I haven't done anything with the new (1.0.0 beta X) stuff
sms> because it wasn't not clear that anyone was looking at the
sms> changes I made to the old stuff.  It's still not clear.

I've looked, as I've said before.  I've also applied the functional
bits.  Not the cosmetic bits, not the non-copying bits, as they really
should make no difference, or?

Also, the SSLfoo to SSL_foo logical name conversion...  hmm, did I
apply that?  If I did, it should be reverted, at least in the 0.9.8
series, as such a change will only confuse the users...

sms>    I have a VAX with V5.5-2 and VAX C on it, but I'd be amazed if
sms> this code could be built using VAX C.  The only GNU C I have is
sms> also on that VAX, and it's even older than the VAX C.  I assumed
sms> that the non-DEC-C code was all fossils, but it seemed harmless
sms> to leave it in.  The builds haven't worked on VAX with _any_
sms> compiler for so long that it's hard to imagine that anyone is
sms> still using VAX C or GNU C there.

I haven't had a VAX account for a long time...  someone give me one
and I'll play...

sms> From: Richard Levitte [mailto:rich...@levitte.org]
sms> > I've looked through it, and applied almost all of it. [...]
sms>    If more than one person will be making big changes to these
sms> builders, then it might make some sense to discuss the changes
sms> before applying all of anything to the code.

If those who do commit to the repository, I believe I'm the only one
dealing with the VMS parts of the kit...  Andy might play, but his
focus is on other things, I think...

sms>    I had what I thought was a whole, working 0.9.8k kit, where
sms> "working" means that the builds went through on VAX, Alpha, and
sms> IA64.  Some of those changes seem to have made it to 1.0.0 beta
sms> 3, but not all, and I don't know why.  I've asked, but I hear
sms> nothing.  I can't see a good reason to make the same changes over
sms> and over again if they do not get adopted, and no one says why
sms> they do not get adopted.  What am I missing?  Is there some plan
sms> here?

The plan I worked with (and thought I said) was to take the functional
bits first, have them work, and take the cosmetics later...  I had to
do quite a lot of reading through your patches to extract what I
judged to be functional.  I may have missed some bits.


Richard Levitte                         rich...@levitte.org

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