On Mon, Oct 12, 2009, Victor B. Wagner wrote:

> 2. Make X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir lookup method honour cache field in the
> X509_STORE structure. (I think that it is better to make this field
> a bit mask and interpret constants X509_LU_CERT and X509_LU_CRL as
> bit flags, but it would conflict with X509_LU_PKEY constant, which 
> seems to be unused anyway. But for first time handle this field as
> boolean flag is better than nothing)

Ah I just remembered something about how this works which makes disabling
caching more complex.

The X509_LOOKUP API retrieves one matching object: that's a limitation of the
API. It however populates the cache with all matching objects. The API
limitation can be worked around by examining the cache after a lookup.

If you disable the cache without having something equivalent to retrieve
multiple matching objects you can stop verificaion working properly in some
cases, for example:

1. CRLs with only partial scope (deltas and partitioned ones).
2. Certificates with different AKID but same subject names.
3. Historical checks on chains using certificates and/or CRLs that are not

Admittedly #3 isn't likely to be used much but in the case of #1 and #2 some
paths will just fail to verify. We'd at least need to document that: in many
cases such features wont be used so it wont matter.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
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