i was pointing out this:

~/local/bin/openssl s_client -connect localhost:8888

depth=0 CN = CA
verify return:1
*** glibc detected *** /home/build/local/bin/openssl: double free or
corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000979300 ***

the glibc message means that the current heap operation is on invalid
pointer. the testcase crashed browser links on arch linux too (when
trying to connect to s_server -www).

btw, it seems *important* to use |s_server| from *1.0.0a*

On Sat, Aug 07, 2010 at 02:21:09PM +0300, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> openssl-1.0.0a on ubuntu, debian and arch.
> attached a private key and a cert.
> ~/local/bin/openssl s_server -www -accept 8888 -cert /tmp/CA.cert  -key 
> /tmp/CA.key
> ~/local/bin/openssl s_client -connect localhost:8888
> depth=0 CN = CA
> verify return:1
> *** glibc detected *** /home/build/local/bin/openssl: double free or 
> corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000979300 ***
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