Just one idea, which popped up today.
What about of using UuidCreate() function, see: 

In our case, our software runs as a service, in its own desktop/winstation. 
That desktop does not have a bitmap at all, or if it has one, it is always 

You may like to use UuidCreate() to generate a unique/random number, not 
dependent on user32.dll/gdi32.dll.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kees Dekker 
Sent: Monday, 12 April, 2010 12:27
To: 'r...@openssl.org'
Cc: openssl-dev@openssl.org
Subject: RE: [openssl.org #2194] Unwanted dependencies to user32.dll

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Polyakov via RT [mailto:r...@openssl.org] 
> Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 12:08
> To: Kees Dekker
> Cc: openssl-dev@openssl.org
> Subject: Re: [openssl.org #2194] Unwanted dependencies to user32.dll
> >>>>> May be there is another method to check wether a windows
> >>>>> process is a service, without using user32.dll.
> >>>> As mentioned one can do it with Native NT API, but it's quite 
> >>>> special and belongs rather in [your] application than in
> >>>> openssl.
> >>> Yes and no. As soon as there is any openSSL code, using APIs from
> >>>  user32.dll, my application still have a dependency to
> >>> user32.dll.
> >> Once again, if you /delayload user32 and never make the call,
> >> you're safe. OpenSSL never calls RAND_screen, your application can,
> >>  make sure it doesn't. OPENSSL_isservice doesn't make user32.dll
> >> calls if you redirect stderr. If called as service start your
> >> application with redirected stderr.
> > 
> > The function app_RAND_load_file() calls RAND_screen. And
> > app_RAND_load_file() is called from many places.
> app_RAND_load_file is in openssl.exe application. Do you invoke
> openssl.exe from your application??? I was under impression 
> that *your*
> application is *linked* with OpenSSL *library*... So that when I
> referred to "OpenSSL" I referred to the *library*, not openssl.exe. Or
> you might compile one of apps/*.c modules with your application. In
> which case http://cvs.openssl.org/chngview?cn=19557 would still do the
> trick...

You are right.
> > I cannot oversee
> > whether OpenSSL (library) really Never calls this function. Most
> > probably, the library will not.
> When I said "it doesn't call it" there was no "probably." This implies
> that you a) take my word for it; b) verify the statement and tell that
> it's wrong in case it is. In latter case, if the statement will be
> proven wrong, it will be considered as bug and will be fixed. 
> But there
> is nothing one can do about "I cannot oversee."

I only use the static lib.

> >> Rules of conversation imply that you either try to refute the 
> >> statement or confirm it. As opposite to ignoring it and tell what
> >> would you *like* to do over and over:-):-):-)
> > 
> > Ok you can close this request. It was not intended by me to move the
> > 'difficult part' to openSSL.
> > 
> > I only suggested - if the code was not used by OpenSSL at all, like
> > you said - just to put it within #ifdef 
> ??? RAND_screen would be the *only* candidate for
> NEED_OLD_FUNCTIONALITY, but it's not the only place where user32 calls
> are made...

Only one or two others left, or am I wrong?

> > The problem with delayed loading of user32.dll is that developers of
> > our code **can** use user32.dll functionality, while I prefer to
> > forbid it, i.e. explicitly disable linking to user32.dll.
> What are the means of forbidding? Not having user32.lib on 
> link command
> line you tell developers to use? How do you link with openssl library?
> Statically or dynamically? If statically, then add stub module of own
> design with handful of empty functions called by OpenSSL library and
> exclude gdi32/user32 from link command line. Or consider switching to
> dynamic link, i.e. with OpenSSL *dlls*, because if linked dynamically,
> then you don't need user32.lib on *your* link command line at all.
Statically. Dynamic linking has its own merits. I will try what I can do in 
this region.
However, it is ok to close this request.

> > I would
> > like not to use user32.dll at all in our code.
> Then don't. Just demand discipline from your developers. Tell them why
> it's important, they'll understand.
> >> From development/compile/link perspective there is no difference in
> >> using user32.lib/dll with regular flags, or with delayed load
> >> flags.
> > By using delayed loading, the risc is high that user32.dll is used
> > (either by accident, or by intention of one of our developers).
> What is real risk/concern here? That product is shipped to 
> end-user, who
> discovers that amount of users can start application in question in
> service context is lower than expected. Just add the check for
> user32.dll being mapped at run-time to your test cycle and handle the
> problem prior release... A.
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