Send an email with the CHM attachment to  It might be a good 
thing to contribute the source of the utility as well, so that the code can be 
tweaked as useful, and so that new released versions (and any patches to the 
pod files) can have their content integrated into that version's generated CHM. 
 (Note that the utility doesn't have to be written in C or perl to be useful -- is a Bourne shell script.

CHM is also only natively supported on Windows, so it might be useful to point 
out that OSX has a free utility called 'chmox' which can render CHM files in 
the Mac Quartz environment.

Linux/BSD have graphical CHM viewers as well.  gnochm and kchmviewer, as well 
as a program called xchm which is, apparently, quite outdated.

-Kyle H

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Harold S. Henry <> wrote:
The server won't accept an attachment that large (425 KB)… suggestions?

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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