On Sat, Oct 16, 2010, Grant Averett wrote:

> Hello, I've successfully built the validated FIPS object module and OpenSSL
> 0.9.8o on Windows with Visual Studio 2008 many times (both an x86 and x64
> version) without issue and I can successfully build both with Visual Studio
> 2010.  However, the FIPS module built with Visual Studio 2010 fails the FIPS
> test suite (out32dll\fips_test_suite.exe) and if I use the generated object
> module to build FIPS validated OpenSSL DLLs, those DLLs also fail the self
> test and can't be used to enable FIPS mode (OpenSSL reports "the fingerprint
> does not match").
> "out32dll\fips_test_suite.exe"  reports the following output when run right
> after "ms\do_fips.bat": 1. Non-Approved cryptographic operation test...
> a. Included algorithm (D-H)...successful2. Automatic power-up self
> test...ERROR:2d06906e:lib=45,func=105,reason=110:file=.\fips\fips.c:line=238:FAILED!
> The only difference between a working FIPS build and the failed build is the
> Visual Studio environment. The working version is built using Visual Studio
> 2008 SP1 and the failed with 2010 (both using the Professional edition and
> both on Windows 7).  I've done a little investigation and it appears the
> 2010 version of libeay32.dll is being relocated from the correct preferred
> base address of 0xFB00000 to a different address. I have no idea why this is
> happening and nothing I do seems to prevent the relocation.  I made sure to
> turn off image randomization and even tried changing the base address of the
> DLL during building using the command line option but it still gets
> relocated when I try to use it.  If I use the Visual Studio 2008-generated
> DLLs in place of the 2010 DLLs then they work fine and are not relocated.
> It is very strange.  However, since the FIPS module itself fails the FIP
> self-test I'm not sure this is significant.  If I use a static library
> instead of the shared library OpenSSL DLL build the results are still the
> same when I try to enable FIPS mode... "the fingerprint does not match".
> I'm getting the "FIPS_R_FINGERPRINT_DOES_NOT_MATCH" error and not the
> feeling fixing the canister problem will fix the relocation issue with the
> DLL.
> I've tried everything I can think of and I'm running out of ideas.  Does
> anyone have any suggestions on what could be the problem? Has anyone
> successfully built and tested the FIPS canister with Visual Studio 2010?

I don't have access to Visual Studio 2010 so I can't reproduce this, I'm
wondering if some new feature in Windows 7 which VS 2010 makes use of is
interfering with the fingerprinting process.

What happens if you specify /FIXED when you build the DLL?

Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
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