Bug Report

OpenSSL 1.0.0 encodes the DN attribute rfc822Mailbox, also known as 
"mail", "MAIL", or 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3, as a DirectoryString 
(specifically, a TeletexString/T61String) when it contains characters 
such as the @ symbol.

However, the RFCs on the topic (1274, 4524) are consistent in specifying 
this attribute as an IA5String, just like E/emailAddress.

The change should hopefully be a "quick fix" rather than something 
terribly involved...

Steps to reproduce:


openssl req -new -x509 ...

[ req ]
distinguished_name = req_dn

[ req_dn ]
mail = here...@mailaddress.org
emailAddress = here...@mailaddress.org


The output DN will encode emailAddress as IA5String, but mail as 


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