Some basic ideas in case you haven't already tried them:

> From: On Behalf Of Gordon Talge via RT
> Sent: Thursday, 31 March, 2011 03:22

> [stuck on] Debian/GNU 2.2 [want] lynx 2.8.7 [needs] X509_get_ext_d2i

> I downloaded the new openssl library and it seems to compile OK

new is 1.0.0d? (Best to be exact.)

FWIW the oldest versions I have at hand, namely 0.9.7*, have 
X509_get_ext_d2i in x509.h, so you might try 8r or even 7m. 
Of course that isn't the newest code, and if current lynx 
depends (even at runtime) on more recent capabilities 
(like unspoofed renegotiation vs 7*) you'll have a problem.

> with ./config no-asm and a change of the compiler option from
> -O3 to -O0. (ie. no optimization), however, on make test,

I'm surprised any -O caused a problem, even on old gcc.
But it's not important, -O0 should be correct just slower.

> although it passes alot of the tests, it fails testing X509 
> conversions.
Try doing the tested operation(s) 'by hand' to see if 
you get more (helpful) error information, e.g.:
$ cd opensslbuild/test 
$ cp testx509.pem fff.p
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=(as needed if using shlib)
$ ../apps/openssl x509 -in fff.p -inform p -outform d -out fff.d 

See if there's a 'core' file (and make sure 
you don't have ulimit set to prevent coring)

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