>>> In Debian we ship several versions of the shared libraries on i386.
>>> One that's build the default instruction set of that architecture
>>> (which is still i486 I think), and then 2 optimised versions,
>>> one for 586 and one for 686.  The 586 and 686 versions use the
>>> assembler and so have AES_ASM defined.  The dynamic linker picks
>>> the proper shared library depending on the CPU.
>> Why don't you compile assembler even in "default instruction set" build?
>>  Even though modules are called 586, they run even on 486 (and can be
>> compiled for 386). 586 is merely a reference to the way instructions
>> were scheduled at some point in time, now it effectively lost the
>> meaning. Moreover, I'd argue that single assembler build is sufficient,
>> because a) assembler code detects processor it executes on; b) potential
> As far as I know, this detection is not supported on a real 486.

Have a look at the beginning of crypto/x86cpuid.pl. You'll notice bunch
of pushf and popf. What are they about? They are about detecting pre-586
processor! In other words detection *is* supported on real 486 and
procedure should return 0 denoting fully incapable processor. Assembler
is supported even on 486 in sense that if problem is reported, it won't
be dismissed. I've double-checked x86cpuid in HEAD and 1.0.1 and it
turned that I've carried away and broke it on pre-586. Fixed now,
http://cvs.openssl.org/chngview?cn=22178. 1.0.0 and 0.9.8 work as is.

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