
I've been trying to build aes-armv4 for an embedded ARM 9 using the Green Hills 
Software tools.  In the FIPS canister, the line following the label .Lok ...

.Lok:   stmdb   sp!,{r4-r12,lr}
        sub     r10,r3,#fips_aes_set_encrypt_key-AES_Te-1024    @ Te4

gets this error:

[asarm] (error) ..\Src\fips\crypto\aes\asm\aes_armv4.arm 374:
expected a register  sub r10 , r3 , fips_aes_set_encrypt_key - AES_Te - 1024

Green Hills support says:
>From what I'm seeing the form of the instruction you are using requires that 
>the constant fit in an 8-bit sized field. The constant expression:


currently resolves to:

0xb6c-0-0x400 = 0x76c

which does not fit in an 8 bit field.

Could I have made an error in my port which could explain this?  If this file 
was successfully built using some ARM compiler, which one was it?

Thanks very much,

Paul A. Suhler, PhD | Firmware Engineer | Quantum Corporation | Office: 
949.856.7748 | paul.suh...@quantum.comĀ  
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