Bare with me on this .

Self-signed public Key Certificate  (give out your public key)
To give out my public key, I need to be put it into a certificate with
my name, and signed by my own private key etc.. This process is call
generating a self-signed public key certificate. OpenSSL can do this
in a single command 
"openssl req -new -x509" 

as shown in the following command window session:
test.pem contains both public and private RSA keys, so here is the process

So create an RSA key pair called test.pem
    openssl genrsa -out  test.pem 2048
Extract the public key only
    openssl rsa -in test.pem -pubout -out testpublic.pem

Then create a certificate
    openssl req -new -key testpublic.pem -inform pem -x509 -days 3650 -out
    openssl x509 -in testpublic.cert -noout -text

I can then use the function to open this X509 Certficate.
    fp = fopen("testpublic.cert","rb");
    X509 *cert=PEM_read_X509(fp,NULL,NULL,NULL);

So now I have test.pem (RSA keys) testpublic.pem (public key) and
testpublic.cert (x509 cert with piublic key).

Below is code that uses the PEMs directly.

    FILE *fp = fopen("test.pem","rb");
    RSA *rsapriv=NULL;
    rsapriv= PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(fp,&rsapriv,NULL,NULL);

    fp = fopen("testpublic.pem","rb");
    RSA *rsapub=NULL;
    rsapub= PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(fp,&rsapub,NULL,NULL);
    unsigned char *name= (unsigned char *)"richard redpath";
    unsigned char to[1024];
    int blocksize= RSA_size(rsapub)-41;
    printf("curious Blocksize is %d\n",blocksize);
    int rc= RSA_public_encrypt(strlen((char
    if (rc!=(-1))
         printf("Encrypt %d bytes returned\n",rc);

    unsigned char result[1024];
    rc= RSA_private_decrypt(128,to,result,rsapriv,RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING);
    printf("Decrypt rc=%d \n",rc);
    printf("result is [%s]\n",result);

The question I have is that I want to hand out my X509 Public key and have
code that can use it to decpher. I can use this function to open the

   fp = fopen("testpublic.cert","rb");
    X509 *cert=PEM_read_X509(fp,NULL,NULL,NULL);
    if (cert!=NULL)
      printf("CERT is good***\n");

But how can I get the Public key from this x509? So I can use
decryption of data? In this example I use the public key PEM directly
and thats what I should not hand out.

I am not that familiar with all API functions in openssl and how to get
to use them. This below is simply open the pubic key file and use it.

    fp = fopen("testpublic.pem","rb");
    RSA *rsapub=NULL;
    rsapub= PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(fp,&rsapub,NULL,NULL);

    unsigned char result[1024];
    rc= RSA_private_decrypt(128,to,result,rsapriv,RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING);
    printf("Decrypt rc=%d \n",rc);
    printf("result is [%s]\n",result);

The reason I need the public key is that I don't encrypt a chunk of
data as would be in a PKCS7 but I have some data encrypted and other data
encrypted sort of interlaced lets say.

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