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I used "openssl rand" to create random data blocks for filesystem
and disk testing and noticed that on a full filesystem openssl
rand does not return a non-zero exit status when the filesystem is

If it cannot open the output file, the return status is 1, indicating

        $ openssl rand  -out /etc/cannotwrite 10 ; echo "$?"
        5138:error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission 
        5138:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:bss_file.c:358:

If the filesystem is full, the return status is 1, even though no
actual content has been written.

        # openssl rand -out /mnt/fs_full 16 ; echo "$?"
        # ls -l /mnt/fs_full
        -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 12 12:44 /mnt/fs_full

The write() system call fails with ENOSPC:

        # strace -e write openssl rand -out /mnt/fs_full 16
        write(3, "\224jP\207U\205\236\4\241\356V\16\1q\35\303", 16) = -1 ENOSPC 
(No space left on device)

If one looks at the sourcecode, then it's obvious that the return-code
of BIO_write() is not checked:

        --- openssl-1.0.1c/apps/rand.c, Line 223
        if (!hex)
                BIO_write(out, buf, chunk);
                for (i = 0; i < chunk; i++)
                        BIO_printf(out, "%02x", buf[i]);

I don't know the precise semantics of BIO_write, so I can only propose
that the return of BIO_write is checked against the expected return
and the program return code adapted to indicate failure once
an error has occured writing out the random bytes.



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