Hello Members,

I think what I am going to discuss is an old problem.
But I do not know whether there is fix for this problem or not.

1. OpenSSL EVP  has OpenSSL_add_all_xxxx type functions, which are not
threadsafe. These when called in multi-threaded environment behaves
abnormal , some times leads to latchup.
2. It has EVP_cleanup functions which clears all the memory allocated to
various hash maps. In multithreaded environment this function maybe called
many times.

But in Multi-threaded environment, some other application could call init
before other freeing it, or many other situations. So, there can be many
issues in large processes.

I want to know,
1. If some people have applied reference counting solution, does it
eliminate this issue?? Or is it safe to write a similar kind of wrapper
around OpenSSL.
2. Is there some fix regarding this issue in some higher version (I am
using 0.9.8o version).
3. Is this issue still persists?


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