Hi Costas,

Costas Stasimos wrote:

I'm currently using the cryptodev framework-engine with openssl-1.0.1e.

By run the command

# openssl engine -t
(cryptodev) cryptodev engine
     [ available ]
(dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support
     [ unavailable ]

we can see that the cryptodev is the active-chosen engine.

So it seems that all the cryptographic load is directed automatically to /dev/crypto via the cryptodev engine.

My question is, how i can use the CPU instead of cryptodev, or with other words how i can disable the cryptodev from application level?

Is there an engine id-name in order to change the activated cryptodev engine and send the execution to the Software-CPU?

AFAIK the cryptodev engine won't be used unless you actually specify it on the command line, e.g.
 openssl speed -engine cryptodev -evp ....



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