On Monday, October 21, 2013, Salz, Rich wrote:

> I like your proposal, but I'd prefer to see an "already initialized" error
> code returned. Or a flag to the (new?) init api that says "ignore if
> already set"

Thanks for your reply!

I can add an error, but note that the caller can set then get the callbacks
and compare to check whether the caller's callbacks were taken.  I could
also add a new set of callback setters with ignore-if-set flags.  As long
as the existing ones behave reliably in the already-set case.

In the already-set case I think it may well be best to ignore without
failing on the theory that the caller that first set the callbacks must
have set sufficiently useful ones anyways... and that where the OS has a
good enough default threading library, that's the one that will be used by
all DSOs calling OpenSSL in the same process, as otherwise all hell would
already be breaking loose anyways!  (I can imagine twisted cases where this
would not be true, but they seem exceedingly unlikely.)

If you want to see the half-baked bits I have (which build on Linux, but
which aren't tested) to see what I'm up to, see
https://github.com/nicowilliams/openssl, specifically the thread_safety
branch.  See the XXX comments in rand_lib.c in particular.  The outline:
add a thread-safe one-time initialization function, built on whatever the
OS provides, then use that to make callback init thread-safe.

What I need to know:

 - should i add new targets to ./Configure?  for now I modified the
linux-elf target, but this feels wrong to me.

 - what about Windows?  I either need to have different targets for
pre-vista/2008 or. i have to write a once initialization function for older
Windows (which I can and know how to do, it's just more work that, and in
particular i couldn't test it, so I'm not inclined to do it).

 - if so, should ./config automatically pick the new targets where there is
appropriate threading support?

 - how to allocate error codes for "already initialized" errors that you

 - should I work to make sure that it's possible to change the default RAND
method after it's been set once?

   The code in rand_lib.c is currently fundamentally thread-unsafe, though
it could be accidentally thread-safe if, e.g., ENGINE_finish() doesn't
actually tear down state at all.  The simplest fix involves setting the
default only once, as wih the callbacks, but here I feel that's a shaky
idea, that I should allow RAND method changes at any time, in a thread-safe
manner -- more work for me, but less surprising.


(sent from a mobile device with lousy typing options, and no plain text
(my patches need rebasing to squash and split up, need tests, need
finishing, but if you have comments I would love them sooner than later! :)

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