On 03/26/2014 12:30 PM, Mark Hatle wrote:
> Looking at the fips_canister.c I see that ia32 (32-bit and 64-bit)
> systems are not enabled with the cross compiling when using 'Linux'. 
> But ia32 (32-bit) is enabled on Android systems.
> This is preventing me from cross compiling and using the fipsld with the
> incore script to link my applications.
> I modified fips_canister.c as shown in the attached patch.  So far in my
> testing (building various applications and running them on the target
> system), the incore script is working correctly.
> Would it be possible to add this change to the fips_canister in a future
> version, or would this require a full re-validation of the openssl-fips?

A "change letter" update would suffice. That's still a non-trivial
expense, in both time and money, but not nearly as expensive as a full

> Until then, my only other option is to use something like qemu to run
> the linked application to get the necessary checksum, in order to
> recompile/relink the final binary.  Is modifying the fipsld script in
> such a way acceptable for FIPS compliance?

You can't modify the fipsld present within the openssl-fips-2.0.N.tar.gz
source distribution (*no* such modifications are allowed), but you can
use *another* external modified fipsld script that respects the
requirements of the Security Policy (i.e., verify the *.sha1 digests as
you go).

That point is a little confusing. When the FIPS module was first
validated only native compilation was supported. Later we worked out how
to support cross-compilation, and the precedent of using an external
fipsld (and/or incore) utility for building the FIPS module has since
been well established. Fipsld and incore (and some other files) are
really part of the build environment, like the compiler and linker, and
don't need to be in the source distribution tarball proper. If/when we
ever do another open source based validation we'll probably leave those
build utilities out of the FIPS module tarball entirely. Until then any
change to the tarball contents means (at best) a "change letter" update,
even something as trivial as a change to a comment.

-Steve M.

Steve Marquess
OpenSSL Software Foundation, Inc.
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