
another area where OpenSSL needs competent contibution is testing.

Build OpenSSL on as many different platforms, architectures using as many different compilers as possible and turn off/on different swithes, features and test if it works. In the beginning the UC tests would be enough, but adding and improving UC tests would be desirable too.

Let me know if you want to contibute and need access to some resources.


Quoting Matt Caswell <fr...@baggins.org>:

On 23 April 2014 18:17, Daniel Hamacher <danielhamacher...@gmail.com> wrote:
Any suggestions on how to contribute. Are there specific requirements I need
to have?

Hi Daniel/Fedor/Paul

I am actively seeking people to help out on the OpenSSL Wiki.
Documentation is an area where OpenSSL has frequently been criticized
in the past and is an area where we can do something about it NOW.

To request an account, just drop an email to
wiki-ad...@opensslfoundation.com, and say what username you would

As well as standard wiki content it is also possible to submit man
page fixes through the wiki (periodically I will bundle all submitted
changes up and submit them as a patch).

If coding is more your thing then I would suggest that you submit
patches through the normal route while the dev team go through their
reorg. I know that in the past these have not always been acted on,
but I for one am confident, following the recent announcements from
Steve M and Steve H, that things are going to change on that front.

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org

WebMail, polarhome.com

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org

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