Nice idea.

It inspired my son, Felix, and I to think about a related idea:
generate random numbers which are inherently coprime to small primes.
Felix went on to implement the idea, and include benchmarks and tests.

Not finished - while implementing, we noticed that the existing prime
number generators have a bias. We decided to remove that, which caused
prime candidate generation to take more than twice as long (it was 42%
of the speed on Felix' laptop) - but the good news is our technique
doubled the speed, getting most of the loss back.

We also don't currently deal with the case where add != 2 or rem != 1.
But its clearly possible without too much work.

You could use his branch as a basis for testing this idea:

On 26 May 2014 02:31, Russell Harkins <> wrote:
> Hi SSL Team,
> I was looking for ways to make calculating RSA public/private keys faster.
> I noticed that trial division was being done to test if a number is
> divisible by small primes.
> Roughly 2/3 of all odd numbers are divisible by primes less than 25. I
> found a faster way to test the divisibility than using division.
> In school, I learned some divisibility rules. For instance, when
> determining if a large number is divisible by 3, add the sum of all the
> digits.  To see if a large number is divisible by 5, check the last digit
> to see if it’s a zero or 5.
> I’ve converted these divisibility rules into binary. For instance, to see
> if a large number is divisible by 3, add the sum of all the bytes of the
> large number and see if that sum is divisible by 3.
> I’ve converted all the divisibility rules for all the primes less than 25
> into binary. All the sums can be calculated at once.
> I wrote a function to do this based on the BIGNUM that openssl uses:
> BN_isdivisiblebyprimeslessthan25
> The easiest way to test my function is to generate random numbers and test
> the results of BN_isdivisiblebyprimeslessthan25 with another function that
> does the division the old way.
> Attached is a paper detailing the math behind the change.
> Here’s the function and where to put it in openssl:
> In file crypto\bn\bn_prime.c,
> function BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex
> After if (do_trial_division), add
>   if (BN_isdivisiblebyprimeslessthan25(a))
>        return 0;
> bool bn:: BN_isdivisiblebyprimeslessthan25 (const BIGNUM *p)
> {
>     int total3and5and17 = 0; // 256 mod 3 = 1, 256 mod 5 = 1, 256 mod 17 = 1
>     int total7 = 0;
>     int total11 = 0;
>     int total13 = 0;
>     int total19 = 0;
>     int total23 = 0;
>     const char sumBytes7[] = { 1, 4, 2}; // 1 mod 7 = 1, 256 mod 7 = 4,
> 65536 mod 7 = 2
>     const char sumBytes11[] = { 1, 3, 9, 5, 4}; // 1 mod 11 = 1, 256 mod 11
> = 3, 65536 mod 11 = 9
>     const char sumBytes13[] = { 1, 9, 3}; // 1 mod 13 = 1, 256 mod 13 = 9,
> 65536 mod 13 = 3
>     const char sumBytes19[] = { 1, 9, 5, 7, 6, 16, 11, 4, 17};
>     const char sumBytes23[] = { 1, 3, 9, 4, 12, 13, 16, 2, 6, 18, 8};
>     int index7or13 = 0; // Array indexes for 7 and 13 are the same because
> the array is the same size.
>     int index11 = 0;
>     int index19 = 0;
>     int index23 = 0;
>     int byteLoop;
>     int top;
>     BN_ULONG item;
>     int itemByte;
>     BN_ULONG *itemptr;
>     BN_ULONG *lastItem;
>         top = p->top;
>         if (top <= 0)
>         {
>                 return true;
>         }
>         itemptr = p->d;
>         lastItem = itemptr+top-1;
>         while(true)
>         {
>                 item = *itemptr;
>                 for(byteLoop=0;byteLoop<sizeof(BN_ULONG);byteLoop++)
>                 {
>                         itemByte = (int)(item & 255);
>                         item >>= 8;
>                         total3and5and17 += itemByte;
>                         total7 += (sumBytes7[index7or13] * itemByte);
>                         total13 += (sumBytes13[index7or13] * itemByte);
>                         total11 += (sumBytes11[index11] * itemByte);
>                         total19 += (sumBytes19[index19] * itemByte);
>                         total23 += (sumBytes23[index23] * itemByte);
>                         // Keep the array indexes in bounds.
>                         index7or13 = (index7or13 + 1) % 3;
>                         index11 = (index11 + 1) % 5;
>                         index19 = (index19 + 1) % 9;
>                         index23 = (index23 + 1) % 11;
>                 }
>                 // Move to the next item.
>                 if (itemptr == lastItem)
>                 {
>                         break;
>                 }
>                 itemptr++;
>         }
>         bool returnValue = (((total3and5and17 % 3) == 0)
>                 || ((total3and5and17 % 5) == 0)
>                 || ((total7 % 7) == 0)
>                 || ((total11 % 11) == 0)
>                 || ((total13 % 13) == 0)
>                 || ((total3and5and17 % 17) == 0)
>                 || ((total19 % 19) == 0)
>                 || ((total23 % 23) == 0));
>         return returnValue;
> }
> Russell Harkins
> 650-481-5261
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